Permanent makeup is becoming increasingly popular. This technique involves implanting pigment into the skin, similar to traditional tattooing, but the goal is to enhance natural features rather than create designs or patterns. One of the most popular permanent makeup procedures is eyebrow tattooing, which involves creating a realistic-looking eyebrow shape that complements the client’s face shape and personal style. This blog post will discuss the different styles and shapes of Permanent Makeup Brows and help you decide which is right for you.

Understanding Face Shapes

Before we delve into permanent makeup brows’ different styles and shapes, we must understand the different face shapes. The most common face shapes are oval, round, heart, square, and diamond. Your face shape is crucial in determining the ideal eyebrow shape for you.

1. Oval Face Shape

If you have an oval face shape, your face is longer than it is wide. Your forehead is slightly wider than your chin, and your cheekbones are the widest part of your face. The ideal eyebrow shape for an oval face is a soft arch that follows the natural curve of your brow bone.

2. Round Face Shape

If you have a round face shape, your face is as wide as long. Your cheekbones are the widest part of your face, and your jawline is round. The ideal eyebrow shape for a round face is a high arch that creates an illusion of length.

3. Heart Face Shape

If you have a heart face shape, your forehead is wider than your cheeks, and your chin is narrow and pointed. The ideal eyebrow shape for a heart face is a rounded arch that softens the forehead’s width.

4. Square Face Shape

If you have a square face shape, your forehead, cheekbones, and jawline are all roughly the same width. The ideal eyebrow shape for a square face is a curved shape that softens the angularity of the face.

5. Diamond Face Shape

If you have a diamond face shape, your forehead and jawline are narrow, and your cheekbones are the widest part of your face. The ideal eyebrow shape for a diamond face is a curved shape that softens the angles of the face.

Different Styles And Shapes Of Permanent Makeup Brows

Now that we have discussed the different face shapes let’s look at the different styles and shapes of permanent makeup brows.

1. Natural Brows

Natural brows are the most popular style of permanent makeup brows. They mimic the look of real eyebrows by using hair-like strokes to create a natural-looking arch. Natural brows are suitable for people who want to enhance their natural brows without significantly changing their shape or thickness. They are perfect for people with thin, sparse, or patchy brows.

2. Powder Brows

Powder brows are a more defined and bold style of permanent makeup brows. They create a powdered look using small pigment dots to fill the brow area. Powder brows are ideal for people who want a fuller, more defined brow shape. They are suitable for all face shapes and skin types.

3. Combination Brows

Combination brows combine natural and powder brows techniques to create a unique, custom look. They use hair-like strokes to create a natural-looking arch and then fill in the gaps with small dots of pigment. Combination brows are perfect for people who want a natural-looking brow with more definition.

4. Ombre Brows

Ombre brows are a popular style of permanent makeup brows that creates a gradient effect from light to dark. They use a combination of hair-like strokes and powdered shading to create a soft, natural-looking brow with more depth and dimension. Ombre brows are suitable for all skin types and face shapes.

5. Feathered Brows

Feathered brows create a soft, natural-looking brow by combining hair-like strokes and shading to create a feather-like effect. They are ideal for people who want a natural-looking brow with a softer edge. Feathered brows are suitable for all skin types and face shapes.

 6Bold Brows

Bold brows are a more dramatic style of permanent makeup brows. They use a thicker, darker pigment to create a bold, defined brow shape. Bold brows are perfect for people who want a more dramatic look or have naturally thick eyebrows that need shaping.

Which Style And Shape Of Permanent Makeup Brows Is Right For You?


Now that we have discussed the different styles and shapes of permanent makeup brows, it’s time to figure out which is right for you. When choosing a style and shape, it’s essential to consider your face shape, personal style, and overall desired look.

A high or rounded arch will be ideal if you have a round or heart-shaped face. Natural, combination or feathered brows would work well for people with oval, square, or diamond-shaped faces.

If you prefer a natural-looking brow with little definition, natural, combination, or feathered brows would be ideal. If you prefer a more defined, bold brow shape, powder, ombre, or bold brows would work well for you.

It’s also important to consider your skin type when choosing a style and shape of permanent makeup brows. If you have oily skin, powder or ombre brows would be ideal, as they hold up well on oily skin. If you have dry skin, natural or feathered brows will work well, creating a softer, more natural-looking effect.


Permanent Makeup Brows are a popular and effective way to enhance natural beauty and create a polished look. With so many styles and shapes to choose from, it’s essential to consider your face shape, personal style, and skin type to determine which one is right for you. Consulting with a professional permanent makeup artist, such as one from Foxy Permanent Makeup Academy, can help you find the perfect fit.

Foxy Permanent Makeup Academy is a reputable brand that offers comprehensive training for aspiring permanent makeup artists. The academy is dedicated to providing high-quality education that meets industry standards and prepares students for a successful career. With experienced trainers like Priyanka Saini, known for her expertise and professionalism in the field, Foxy Permanent Makeup Academy is a trusted source for permanent makeup training.

Priyanka Saini is an accomplished permanent makeup artist and trainer who has trained numerous students in the art of permanent makeup. She is known for her attention to detail and passion for her craft, and her students consistently praise her for her thorough and patient teaching style. As a Foxy Permanent Makeup Academy trainer, she brings her wealth of knowledge and experience to aspiring artists, helping them develop the skills and techniques they need to succeed in the industry.

Whether you want to enhance your natural features or pursue a career in permanent makeup, Foxy Permanent Makeup Academy and trainer Priyanka Saini can provide the education and training you need to achieve your goals. With their expertise and commitment to excellence, you can trust them to guide you every step of the way.

Written By
Priyanka Saini

Priyanka Saini, a permanent makeup master, started her career in the beauty field in 2020. Originally, Priyanka worked as a dietician and founded the FitaspirebyPriyana brand.